bino's bites

Hello World, like my first piece of code

<?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>

The first piece of code I remember when learning PHP to build my very first website. An activity website which allowed people to advertise their party event, indicate their interest in an event, view party pictures and discuss just about anything on our community forum.

It was very successful at its peak; however, the website died with the launch of Facebook and its events, and our team becoming too old to party every week.

Yet, my interest in websites, building and sharing remained. I always wanted to blog, but never knew what to write about.

I hosted a few Substack newsletters, but the burden to write consistently and make it valuable for my audience made me abandon them. What started as my own, always evolved into something for others.

I found Bear accidentally and I’m happy I did. I immediately liked its minimal appeal as well as its growing community behind it. There is no pleasing, just everyone writing and supporting each other.

And that’s what I intend to do. Write at my pace (hopefully frequent) about what appeals to me. Topics like AI, apps, personal knowledge management (pkm), productivity and even running.

So hereby, hello world, and welcome to my space.


If you want to reach out to me, you can find pieces of my fragmented self on Twitter, Threads or Mastodon.
