bino's bites

From Daily Writer to Dormant Blogger: Staging a Comeback

Bear got me hooked.
It hooked me on reading, writing, and hitting publish on new posts. But then, as with many things in life, distractions crept in and before I knew it, writing became just another thing I should be doing instead of something I actually did.

It’s not that I stopped caring. I still love the Bear platform, its community and writing. I still have many ideas and even a few drafts I started but never finished.

It was a slump in productivity that let my writing slip away.
As James Clear writes in Atomic Habits "never miss a habit twice in a row, otherwise, it becomes a snowball that will kill the pattern", my focus shifted to other activities, and slowly, writing fell to the back burner.

Every day, a voice in my mind says, I should be writing again, but nothing happens.

The thrill of seeing a post go live, the satisfaction of sharing my thoughts and experiences, it’s all still there, but I’ve let it slip.

I really admire those of you who write every single day. Not only do you show up every day, but you do with great depth and inspiration.

With family, sports, work, and everything else, it’s easy to tell myself I don’t have the time. And maybe that’s true, but part of me knows it’s also an excuse.

It all boils down to the art of habit, to go from "not-doing" to "doing" and making it part of my daily routine. I'm still trying to figure out when.

But, I'm writing and publishing this post right now. It may not be a masterpiece, but it's a start. It's a small step back towards the habit I once cherished.

So here's my new commitment: I'm going to write something every day, even if it's just a few sentences. The goal isn't to publish daily but to build a consistent writing habit that allows me to share my thoughts at least once a week.

To those of you who maintain a regular writing practice:
How do you stay committed to writing daily?
What strategies help you show up consistently, even on challenging days?.
And how do you make sure you're not over-perfecting?

And to those trying to find their way back to writing, like me: Let's start anew.

The best time to begin was yesterday.
The second best time? Right now.

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